

Scientists just created mice with two biological dads

'Robot lawyer' to defend someone in court for first time

Pigs reared in a 26-story high-rise building in China.

Nasa's Dart spacecraft 'changed path of asteroid'

Abandoned rocket part to hit Moon

Greer: Update on False UFO Disclosure

What Estonia’s digital ID scheme can teach Europe

Terminally-ill scientist ‘transforms into world’s first cyborg’ by replacing body parts with machinery

World’s Largest Ouija Board Built in Salem Massachusetts to ‘Summon the World’s Largest Ghost’

A house made of plastic soda bottles can withstand winds twice as strong as a Category 5 hurricane.

Novel AI system proves 100% accurate at detecting heart failure from a single heartbeat

Fully-formed, tiny heart is 3D bioprinted from human donor's cells

BigBrotherWatch: Facial Recognition ‘Epidemic’ in the UK

Robots compete in DARPA's Subterranean Challenge to prep for alien life hunt

Harvard Scientists, Funded By Bill Gates, To Begin Spraying Particles Into The Sky To Dim The Sun

First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists

Robot MD: How artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize medical diagnosis

Facebook-backed brain research decodes thoughts as words instantly for the first time

Massive South American power outage may have been a hack

Stunning Exposé Offers New Details About China's Infiltration Of 8 Tech Giants

Systems of mass surveillance

Got Milk? Cows, Not Needed: Scientists Bioengineer Milk

World-first human treatment of antibiotic-resistant infection with genetically modified virus

US has secret ‘ninja bomb’ blade-wielding missile to kill terrorists, avoid civilians

Chinese 'gait recognition' tech IDs people by how they walk

The world's first humanless warehouse is run only by robots

Pro-Life Leaders Condemn Use of Aborted Baby Parts to Make 'Humanized' Mice

Horrific Effects Of WIFI Revealed In 9th Grade Student Experiment

Arms Race: Nations Rush To Develop Hypersonic Weapons

Human genes engineered into GMO rice are being grown in Kansas

Israeli Ophthalmologists Invents Revolutionary Eyedrops that could Replace Eyeglasses

Everything You Need To Know About The 50 Million Facebook Accounts That Were Recently Hacked

The Social Media Purge and How It Affects Everyone

After Bashing Tech Companies, Soros Buys Millions in Facebook, Twitter Stocks

Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting

Federal judge blocks online release of blueprints for 3-D-printed guns

Large Hadron Collider Accelerates Whole Atoms for the First Time

Autonomous indoor drone surveillance system developed

Scientists Discover Great Pyramid Of Giza Can Refocus Electromagnetic Energy Through Its Hidden Secret Chambers

First test tube rhino embryos could bring extinct species back from dead

How smart TVs in millions of U.S. homes track more than what's on tonight

Chinese military has built Star Wars-like laser-firing AK-47s capable of setting people on FIRE half a mile away

Masters of the Universe: Facebook Admits to Sharing User Data with 61 Companies

Scientists single out gene that triggers aging symptoms

Traditional bank cards could soon be replaced with smart-cards that scan your fingerprint to approve payments

A NEW ERA: Say Goodbye to Arab Oil and Hello to Israel’s Car That Runs on Air and Water

WATCH: Israeli “Flying Car” Makes Successful First Trip

Hybrid human chicken embryos: HALF HUMAN – HALF CHICKEN abomination created in US lab

Scientists build 'synthetic embryos'

Scientist Says RFID Won’t Be Optional & May Change The Essence Of What It Means To Be Human

The Personal Data Google Has on You Is Shocking & Dwarfs that of Facebook, Here’s How to Stop It

3-D-printed house costs $10,000 and can be built in 24 hours

Alarming Advances Made In Digital Media Manipulation

Scientist Believes the Human Microchip Will Become "Not Optional"

DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms

Scientists create first human-sheep hybrids