Other News (Archived)


DC Stores Display Framed Images of Toilet Paper to Stop Product Being Stolen.

99 Cents stores to close down all 371 locations

Gates Invests $4.7 Million in Data-Collecting Faceware for Livestock

Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible

Military academies see unprecedented rise in sexual assaults

UFOs are all over Ukraine's skies

Here's What We Know So Far About The Possibly Interstellar Object in Our Solar System

It's raining plastic: microscopic fibers fall from the sky in Rocky Mountains

The 6 Monolithic Corporations
An asteroid about 100 metres in diameter and racing at 24 kilometres a second has just missed the Earth.

Earth had a near-miss with a 'city-killer' asteroid (July 25, 2019)

Trump Emissaries Sent to Ask Major Israeli Rabbi, “When Will Messiah Come?”

These Prominent People Must Be PANICKING About What the Epstein Case Will Reveal

‘YOU WILL BURN’ Sick ISIS supporters threaten to bomb London and New York and attack a plane in chilling terror posters

Massive South American power outage may have been a hack

Authorities Haven't a Clue What to Do About Skyrocketing Homelessness in California

Nuclear Missile Alert Base Operators Caught Boozing In Second Major Breach

Venezuela in crisis

The Revelations of WikiLeaks: No. 1

DEFCON Warning System Website Paints Chilling Picture Of Potential Nuclear Crisis In 2019

A Hawaiian Island Has Disappeared Beneath The Pacific Ocean

Florida middle school girls plotted to kill up to 15 students, drink their blood

Asteroid With Human Skull Appearance Dubbed The ‘Death Comet’ To Fly Past Earth Just After Halloween 2018

Japan only lets in 27 Islamic refugees

Parents Buying STAB VESTS for Children As Murder Rate Soars In Kahn’s London

Sweden’s ruling government obtained the ability to silence opponents on Facebook


Did Isaac Newton Study Solomon’s Temple to Learn About Physics?

Chicago Mulls Testing ‘Universal Basic Income’ Program

Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year

Police: Employees shot Snapchat video of stroke victim titled 'The End'

Irish Catholic Hospitals Will Be Required To Perform Abortions Whether They Like It Or Not

Censorship – The Silent Coup

Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs: The Connection

Uganda imposes WhatsApp and Facebook tax 'to stop gossip'

This Is the Reality of the Venezuelan Collapse

Someone Has Infected At Least 500,000 Routers All Over The World And No One Knows Why

Venezuelan Inmates Eating Rats and Pigeons to Avoid Starvation

WTF: Gucci Models Carry Severed Heads In Runway Show