Pope Francis approves guidelines allowing gay men to become priests
The Italian Bishops' Conference, with Vatican approval, has introduced guidelines allowing openly gay men to pursue priesthood if they adhere to celibacy
As per the document, signed by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, evaluating priestly candidates should beyond sexual orientation
The guidelines also call for greater roles for women in priestly formation and reaffirm efforts to combat clergy sexual abuse
The guidelines, valid for three years, reflect a cautious approach as debates on homosexuality and priesthood continue to divide the Church.
The Catholic Church has taken a step toward allowing openly gay men to pursue priesthood, provided they adhere to the vow of chastity.
This development was outlined in a new document issued by the Italian Bishops' Conference, which received Vatican approval.
According to the National Catholic Reporter, the document, titled The Formation of Presbyters in Italian Churches, encourages a broader approach to evaluating priestly candidates.
It advocates for understanding candidates holistically rather than focusing solely on their sexual orientation.
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