Prophecy Becoming History

"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
Malachi 4:5

Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking, The signs that the prophets foretold;
The Gentile days numbered with horrors encumbered; Eternity soon will unfold.


Woman caught fire in the middle of a supermarket: her phone exploded in her pocket

A frightening and unusual scene unfolded in the busy Anápolis supermarket in Brazil. A customer's smartphone suddenly exploded in her pocket.

The story was told by the Daily Mail and relayed by Demotivateur. A Brazilian woman, shopping with her husband, had the fright of her life. The images, captured by the supermarket's surveillance cameras, show the cell phone catching fire in the customer's trousers. Frightened, she rushed out of the store, while her husband tried to extinguish the flames. 

Passers-by in the street came to the poor woman's aid. Her husband, Mateus Lima, told Brazilian media outlet G1 that he had used his shirt to put out the fire. The victim was treated at the Alfredo Abraão hospital for first- and second-degree burns on her hand, forearm, back and buttocks, according to Demotivateur. 

Mateus Lima says that his wife is “very traumatized (...) So it's necessary to be vigilant because, as it happened to her, it can happen to other people”. The victim's smartphone, a Motorola E32, was purchased in 2024. The American company, which became aware of the incident, reacted quickly in a statement, stressing that an analysis of the phone (partly melted) was underway to determine the cause of the explosion.

In a report, Stanford University (USA) states that electronic devices, cell phones and laptops generate excessive heat, which can cause lithium batteries to malfunction and, in some cases, explode. 


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