Magnitude 6.3 Quake Hits Philippines, at Least Eight People Dead
April 22,2019
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the Philippines late Monday afternoon, killing at least eight people and prompting thousands to evacuate.
The quake occurred 1 kilometer from Gutad, located to the northwest of Manila, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The Philippine disaster monitoring agency said the quake struck Castillejos in Zambales province at 5:11 p.m. local time.
At least eight people were killed in Pampanga, north of the capital, its governor Lilia Pineda said over DZBB radio. As many as 30 people are feared trapped in a supermarket in the same province, the disaster-risk monitoring agency said in a mobile-phone message to reporters. Pampanga province is home to the Clark economic zone, where the government is building a back-up capital.
Several areas in Luzon island including Metro Manila suffered power outages as the quake affected several power plants, the Department of Energy said. Petron Corp., the larger of the nation’s two oil refiners, said the earthquake triggered the protective tripping of some units at its refinery. This caused the plant to shutdown, which was followed “by the usual flaring of gases as required,” the company said, adding that there was no fire at the refinery.
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