Prophecy Becoming History

"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
Malachi 4:5

Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking, The signs that the prophets foretold;
The Gentile days numbered with horrors encumbered; Eternity soon will unfold.



Trump Reimposes ‘Maximum Pressure’ Campaign on Iran

Denying Iran the ability to acquire a nuclear weapon and driving the country’s oil exports to zero are stated goals of the memorandum.

President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum on Feb. 4 ratcheting up sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Tougher measures are meant to impose “maximum pressure” on the nation, according to Trump, and prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. He has consistently opposed the idea of allowing the country to develop nuclear capabilities for military purposes.

“They cannot have a nuclear weapon,” Trump said while signing the memorandum in the Oval Office. “They have some of their leadership, I can tell you right now ... many of the people at the top ranks of Iran that do not want to have a nuclear weapon.”


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