Prophecy Becoming History

"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
Malachi 4:5

Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking, The signs that the prophets foretold;
The Gentile days numbered with horrors encumbered; Eternity soon will unfold.

Does the Bird Flu Summit indicate that another pandemic is being orchestrated?

In October 2019, a tabletop exercise called Event 201 was held to simulate a coronavirus outbreak.  Six months later, the World Health Organisation declared a covid pandemic.

In October 2024, a Bird Flu Summit is being held to prepare for the response to a potential bird flu pandemic.  As has been proved for the covid pandemic, is the upcoming summit proof that a bird flu pandemic is being orchestrated?

Major Bird Flu Summit October 2-4 in Washington D.C. – Evidence of an Orchestrated Pandemic?
By Jon Fleetwood

The United States government has been enhancing the transmissibility and lethality of the H5N1 influenza bird flu virus through gain-of-function (“GoF”) experimentation for years.

The government is allowed to weaponise pathogens like bird flu with GoF because of a “loophole” in the international Biological Weapons Convention (“BWC”) treaty that allows authorities to produce bioweapons from the most dangerous pathogens known to humanity so long as the stated purpose is for “peaceful uses” like vaccine development.

Read: Treaty ‘Loophole’ Allows World Governments to Develop Deadly Bioweapons Like Covid and Corresponding Vaccines: Yale Professor (Video), Jon Fleetwood, 5 March 2024

Incidentally, the US has been simultaneously engineering a new mRNA vaccine for H5N1 bird flu, agreeing to pay vaccine maker Moderna Inc. $176 million for the project with funds from the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”).


US Gov’t Is Making a Vaccine for a Virus It Also Happens to Be Making More Deadly: Bird Flu, Jon Fleetwood, 22 February 2024

USDA Developed mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine Against H5N1 As It Made That Virus More Infectious and Deadly with Gain-of-Function – Now the Same Virus Subtype Is Causing the Next Pandemic, Jon Fleetwood, 24 May 2024

US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) leaders have signalled the agency will skip the rigorous drug authorisation process for influenza bird flu vaccines, as it did for covid-19 injections when it utilised the controversial Emergency Use Authorisation (“EUA”) tool.

Read: FDA to Skip Drug Approval Process for Bird Flu Vaccine: Dr. Peter Marks Confirms Agency Will Leverage Controversial ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ (EUA) Tactic as It Did with Deadly Covid Jab, Jon Fleetwood, 31 May 2024

This is despite there already being safe, effective, widely accessible bird flu medical treatments available.


US Gov’t Taps Pfizer, Moderna for mRNA Bird Flu Jabs Despite Already-Available Safe, Effective Treatments, Jon Fleetwood, 30 May 2024

8 Studies Support Ivermectin’s Effectiveness Against Influenza Amid Bird Flu Pandemic Worries, Jon Fleetwood, 5 April 2024

7 Studies Confirm Antiviral ‘Xofluza’ Is ‘Drug of Choice’ for Bird Flu, as USDA Tests Ground Beef for Virus, Jon Fleetwood, 1 May 2024

Only two virus families have been authorised for GoF experimentation by the government since 2017: coronavirus and influenza.

Coronavirus caused the 2019 covid pandemic, and now influenza is apparently causing the next pandemic.

That the only two virus families behind the last and coming pandemics are the very pathogens the government has been weaponising raises questions about the government’s actions and intentions.

Read: NIH’s 2017 Reversal of Gain-of-Function Research Ban Only Applied to 2 Virus Families: Coronavirus and Influenza – One Caused the 2019 Covid Pandemic, the Other Is About to Cause a Bird Flu Pandemic, Jon Fleetwood, 22 May 2024

The questions are especially justified considering both the legislative and executive branches of government rushed through a massive spending bill at the beginning of the year that allocated over $1 billion to a future influenza pandemic, long before mainstream health or media sources raised the alarm regarding bird flu.

The timing has compelled health experts to wonder whether the coming bird flu pandemic arose spontaneously or represents a coordinated bioweapon attack.

“I’m extremely concerned that the public will not be able to connect the dots,” says Dr. Richard Bartlett, Texas Department of Health and Human Services Meritorious Service Award recipient. “I anticipate the same playbook that was used during covid will be used during this potential future bird flu pandemic.”

“We need to entertain the possibility that we will be dealing with a bioweapon, not a natural phenomenon,” the emergency room director and former adviser on Texas Governor Rick Perry’s Health Disparities Taskforce added.

“It might be that the mainstream messaging and propaganda broadcast to the American people will be to call it a normal ‘Flu A’ that spun out in nature, when in reality it’s a mass casualty bioweapon event with an influenza virus that was genetically engineered in a lab.”

Read: Biden Signs Into Law Spending Bill That Could Apply Over $1 Billion to Future Bird Flu Pandemic: Doctor Says ‘Bioweapon Event’ Could Be Imminent, Jon Fleetwood, 24 March 2024

After all, the US government has a sordid and lengthy history of releasing dangerous pathogens on innocent civilians and military personnel without their knowledge or consent.

Read: American Bioweapons: Then & Now, Jon Fleetwood, 29 March 2024

Now, adding to the coordination, an International Bird Flu Summit has been scheduled to take place in Washington D.C. on 2-4 October to prepare the country for management strategies.

The summit is raising eyebrows because of its likeness to an event that was held in New York just weeks before the covid pandemic hit.

That event, called Event 201, was a pandemic simulation exercise conducted on 18 October 2019, in New York City.  It was jointly hosted by the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The covid pandemic would commence that December, compelling many to point to Event 201 as evidence that global parties had orchestrated the covid pandemic.

Like Event 201, the new bird flu summit will gather experts, policymakers and representatives from various sectors, including healthcare, veterinary science, epidemiology and industry.

The “hands-on” workshop and training will entail “surveillance techniques, “lab diagnostics” and “outbreak response planning.”

Attendees will strategise preparedness, response and future implications of a potential bird flu outbreak, establishing a platform for global coordination and enabling partnerships.

The meeting’s agenda is designed to cover a wide range of topics relevant to different sectors impacted by bird flu.  These include:

Businesses: Sessions will focus on business continuity planning, resource allocation and risk mitigation strategies. Attendees will learn about securing supply chains, navigating travel safety protocols, and optimising insurance coverage to ensure uninterrupted operations during an outbreak.

Workplace: Discussions will centre on ensuring prioritised antiviral distribution for essential workers, addressing supply chain interruptions, managing staffing shortages, and maintaining continuous operations amidst workforce decreases.

Hospitals: Healthcare system preparedness will be a key focus, with sessions on clinical impacts, emergency response management, and the role of governmental public health agencies in crisis situations.

First Responders: Strengthening the capabilities and coordination of first responders will be addressed, along with effective crisis communication strategies and enhancing international cooperation for rapid response.

Military: The summit will also cover the role of military and emergency operations centres in safeguarding public health and maintaining essential services during pandemics.

Key topics to be discussed include:

Mass Fatality Management Planning
Surveillance and Data Management
Community Preparedness Strategies
Vaccine and Antiviral Medication Delivery
Medical Countermeasures
Socio-Economic Impacts on Poultry and Livestock Industries

“Welcome to the International Bird Flu Summit, where we address the pressing concerns surrounding the recent developments in avian influenza,” a brochure for the summit reads.

“With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies and the future implications of this evolving situation.”

It remains to be seen whether a bird flu pandemic will commence in the weeks following the summit like covid followed Event 201.

View summit brochure here.

Further reading from Jon Fleetwood:

New H5N1 Bird Flu Strain May Have Come from U.S. Biolab: McCullough Study Corroborates Earlier Reports

US Gov’t Manufactures Bird Flu PCR Test In-House Without Third-Party Oversight

Bill Gates Funds ‘Next-Generation mRNA-Based’ Bird Flu Vaccine Research in China Amid H5N1 Pandemic Worries: Journal ‘Vaccines’

US ‘Relaxes’ Biolab Regulations for Handling Deadly Pathogens Despite Ex-CDC Chief’s Bird Flu Pandemic Warning

As Media Hypes Bird Flu-Infected Cows, Bird Flu Vaccine Discovered to Contain Neurotoxin Mercury, Dog DNA, Cancer-Causing Chemicals: FDA Package Insert

Gov’t Spending Bill Gives $315,000,000 for Future ‘Influenza Pandemic’ Involving Virus It’s Been Making More Contagious and Deadly: H5N1 Bird Flu

H5N1 Bird Flu Detected in Antarctica Right Next to U.S. Biolab After USDA Performs Risky Gain-of-Function Experiments On and Develops Vaccine For Same Virus

Media Hypes Bird Flu as ‘Next Pandemic’ After Reveals US Gov’t Is Simultaneously Conducting Gain-Of-Function Experiments and Vaccine Development on Same Virus

Vaccines Underway for All 9 of WHO’s ‘Epidemic Potential’ Diseases – Is Bird Flu ‘Disease X’?

About the Author
Jon Fleetwood is an author and former managing editor for American Faith.  His work has appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWars, One America News (OAN), RFK Jr.’s The Defender (Children’s Health Defense), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s The Tenpenny Report, The Bill Martinez Radio Show, The New American, and Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech.

Fleetwood publishes articles on a Substack page which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

All the views expressed in, and at the source of, this article may not necessarily reflect those of T.E.A. Watchers.
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