China Officially Orders Citizens To Prepare For World War 3
... Excerpt
We have been warning you all for months that something big was happening, but now it looks like we have confirmation. The Chinese Defense Minister, Chang Wanquan, has warned its citizens to prepare for the coming war.
China has vowed to take measures to defy the 12th of July ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration and to protect its sovereignty. It has been reported that in a post-Brexit world, China and Russia will become the world's super powers.
China's state-run media has been awash with bluster on the subject of their military and sovereignty.
Wanquan reportedly made the statement while inspecting military installations in China's eastern coastal province of Zhejiang. The Defense Minister said the Chinese public should be educated about national defense issues because the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity are at risk.
Wanquan also warned of offshore security threats, and the need to acknowledge the gravity of risk to China's national security. He further charged the entire security apparatus of the country, including military, police, together with citizens to prepare for mobilization to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Commentators also believe that China has a strong belief that the United States instigated the Philippines to dispute the South China Sea so that the United States could take advantage and exploit the area for its benefit.
A war between China and its neighbors also has the dangerous possibility to divide the world. The U.S. will no doubt come to the aid of its allies, and China and Russia have increased military ties which could further complicate the scenario.
All the views expressed at the source of this article may not necessarily reflect those of T.E.A. Watchers.
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